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2003-01-07 - 2:55 p.m.

You all go on. While I sit in a corner full of anger and hate. I draw in on myself and lose it all. Something else being born. Something you won't like so much. Something violent and evil. Keep having fun. The exterior is almost entirely a front now. Each day more bullshit falls into place. Hypocrites bicker over things they did to me a year and a half ago when this all started. When I get my chance you are all going to die. Slowly and painfully, so I can enjoy every second of your pain. Each scream drawn out in vivid detail so I can remember how I have felt. Pretending to sleep so as not to interfere with what is going on. Perfect thing to happen on the one year anniversary of the last time I had some. An echoing fucking reminder of this entire last pathetic year. All the rejection and stupidity. It'll all end soon. Rejoice in the birth of death. The rise of the darker side. The half that doesn't like you.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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