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2003-01-15 - 1:02 a.m.

Man, fuck people who say they don't see me much anymore when they have my damn phone number and they know they can call me. I agree with Dan on all accounts of work sucking. I am tired of what is going on around here. I desire improvement. I try to make it happen. No results. I still haven't gotten angry enough to destroy Johny 4. One of these days though, I will fuck his shit up. I gave someone a ride home from work tonight as a favor. I think that was a good idea. It puts me in a good light I think. Word will spread, things will come. I don't really believe in karma, but I should have something major coming one of these days. Good Willy P., nice Willy P. Things have to get better soon. They just have to. Another day, some other way, but not another reason to continue. I definately am one of the wretched. Go Trent. None of my damn videos finished downloading. That is unhappy. May you attend all of your classes and pass them all without suffering.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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