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2003-01-16 - 9:30 a.m.

Shit fuck super monkey scrotum hellicious muthafuck yeah. So I had my Target interview this morning. I got offered a job, on the shift I had as my first preference. I took my drug test already and my physical abilities test is tomorrow. They have to do reference and criminal checks but I didn't lie about past jobs, and the police have never caught me. I can't wait for this glorious day when I tell the evil empire to fuck off. Run up to the Sam Walton pictures in the break room with a bat and fuck his shit up. I've always been partial to not giving two weeks notice and just not coming in. I shouldn't do that though, cause then they won't hire me back as a people greeter when I want a job and I'm 70. Oh beatifull Target job. Three days a week. 6am-6pm. I feel like going on a coke binge. Even though I've never done coke. It's still how I feel right now. I want to stay up and run around like an idiot for days on end. Rock. All of my videos but one have been downloaded. Today is good. Work is going to suck hardcore balls. There is no way my day can continue on being good. What if it does? If I go in and everything just rules for me today. The work is easy and I meet a super cool chick and everything falls perfectly in to place. We go out and have a great time and make super passionate shake the walls of the house and wake up all the neighbors lovin. Right. I have a much higher probability of being impaled by a condom that Smallz threw out of a plane. Smallz, if you rent a plane and come here just to make sure it rains condoms I will be pissed. At least land for a little while or something. I rant, I rave, I rock, peaceout.

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