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2003-01-20 - 4:21 a.m.

Bad people need to stop happening to good people. Bad people need to stop happening in general. Who the fuck is raising these people? I went to what could be considered a party tonight. I drank one 40 and then decided to stop. I could tell from the slight buzz that I got, that more beer in my system would just make me angry. Not that I stayed in a super good mood any way, but it could've been worse. I just need to curl up in a little ball and let the wounds fester. Conversations reopen things sometimes, and it is hard to get away in confined areas. Watching all the childish activities involved in stupid broken versions of old courtship rituals. I wanted to break something. Too bad Johny 4 wasn't around. I was offered a shoulder to cry on so to speak, but I couldn't do it in such a crowded area. Lots of people make me nervous. Especially people I don't know I can trust. That is about enough of that. Dustin, what is the difference between you and a mallard with a cold? One's a sick duck and I can't remeber the rest of it but Doeden's a whore.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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