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2003-02-02 - 3:05 a.m.

I just don't think I can express the inner feeling right now. Just so damn angry. I've had a bad day which lightened up a bit and then went straight back to hell. Bad thingie numero uno was Tony being a complete and total dick. That really fucking pissed me off. He really has no right or reason to do so. Two, Jon was gonna come to a party and then backed out for "undisclosed reasons". Anyone in the know should understand that one. Then a bit a lightening up with some small party like action. Some more talking to Sarah, who is half taken I guess. I didn't know, fuck. Then some people wouldn't tell me what they were sayin' bout me. I'll get you later Manda. Then Dan apparently had some quality conversation with Manda and Lisa. Which was ignored in the typical fashion. Fuck ass. After we got home Squirel showed up and told me some fucked up shit about a car wreck. It involved some people I know so that isn't a good thing. I read entries and that Ozzie character is making her comments again. The ones about spooning and nice guys. Grrrrrrrrr. The same shit I wish for except with a girl and I don't need to be reminded of. No hard feelings. At least I was told that I am the best pillow ever. That's a compliment somehow, right? Fuck. I. Can't. Win. The end.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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