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2003-02-03 - 8:01 p.m.

I can't get ahold of anybody so I played in the snow. I skated down the street and other assorted fun snow-time things. My job at Wal~Mart has just become ten times as stupid, so I'm glad that I am outta there. I heard tru da grapevine that it had happened and I called the store for verification. My shift no longer unloads trucks. We instead stand around with thumbs inserted firmly in anuses. We are glorified roaming stockers now. We still set up for the unloaders, but then we tell them to fuck off and do it themselves. I stole a "for rent" sign while I was outside. I am going insane in here. I can't stand being confined to the house. Going places alone just isn't much fun. Got to have company. Builds character. In exactly two weeks I will start making a lot of money. Where's a girl for me to waste it on? Time for me to battle invisible snow monsters.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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