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2002-10-06 - 7:16 a.m.

Yeah. So I've had about three pots of coffee by now. How are you doing? The hours they just slip on by. Good times at Perkins. Smallz and Ozzie wish you were here. Don't worry I'm going for the pie (or ice cream if you're Eric). It's amazing that blowing through a straw can produce music. Erase me, if you know what I mean. I need to go to bed soon. It is a bit late after all. I do have to work tomorrow. Sleep is such a waste of time, I wish I could go without it. I could do so much more with my time. I need to get aff my ass and get some shit done. Obligations to people you don't give a fuck about are always hard to get to. Well I am off to the bedroom, that place where I waste my time. Bye ya'll

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