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2002-11-20 - 7:24 a.m.

I didn't feel like sitting around any more, so I went to a playground, stood on top of the highest slide, and watched the sun rise. I had some cookies from Ejaculate and Evacuate and some cigarettes. It was a thing. Wish I had something better to do than that. Maybe just someone to do it with would work. Someone cuddly, warm, and female. I think that would've made me feel less pathetic. Lordie I does hate that so. Lonliness sucks goat balls. Movin to the country, gonna eat a lot of tacos. I downloaded a new video tonight and it rulz. Paper Bag. Man is that how I feel. Reversed sexes and all, but still very much how I feel. It does indeed kill. I think I already said everything I wanted to.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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