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2002-11-21 - 3:20 a.m.

How dare some of you let me update three times before you. Such audacity. Today has not been taco day, which of course means I must have a taco tomorrow. That may be a bit difficult since I have to go to the Roadhouse for dinner. Yes, have to. I am being forced, at gun point to eat dinner with some girls from work. I hope that I magically shift into a better mood by then. Abra kadabra boom shaka lay. Didn't work. I'll try that spell again later. I can sit here and stare at the screen for a long time and not come up with anything. Happens all the time. I sit and stare at the screen until something comes. Speech will always be my medium of choice. I'm not even good at that sometimes. Fuck it, I'm out.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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