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2002-11-23 - 1:38 a.m.

Cornbread...Ain't nothing wrong with that.

Funny how someone so quiet usually, can be so loud at another time.

I thought for a moment that my chances were approaching to be had.

The lady on TV is a VICTIM!!

Enough randomness. I am still in zombie mode at work. I don't remember today much. Work just sucks so I pretend I am not even there. I still don't know my super information. I REALLY want to know. It is starting to piss me off. Dustin will sing The Loaf at DD's next time hahahahaha. DD's last night was semi-enjoyable. By semi I mean that I played blocker for my juggalo friend. I took a shot of Jager with Ben, so I had some aggressive tendancies. My number is 5. The Doed just called me and he is so drunk that he couldn't walk up hill. My ramblings are at an end.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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