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2002-12-02 - 3:11 a.m.

Ozzie, remember that time I gave you a hug and I accidentally crushed you? The next time I see you, you're getting another one of those. I'll try not to hurt you this time.

Happy birthday Bud.

I stole a snowman out of someone's yard last night. His name is Frank. He is going to die. I'll try to keep him as long as possible so everyone can see him. I am then going to steal his hat.

Super information learned. I asked Alicia why she stopped talking to me. I got the most bullshit response ever.

"I stopped talking to a lot of people. I do that every once in a while. I'll snap out of it eventually."

Like when? When you break up with your boyfriend. I'll just say that I was displeased with that reason. By displeased I mean I destroyed several pieces of fine Wal~Mart merchandise. Since then I have been very short fused. Every time someone says or does something stupid I hope they die. I hate everything I have no control over. I hate that some fucking loser can destroy a friendship of mine.

I haven't shaved in almost a week. I might just let it go. Who am I trying to impress? I'll be warmer through the winter. It'll be good. I should grow a fat ZZ Top beard.

I can't wait for people to come back for break. Partying will ensue. I am going to shake people around. Just because I'm big, and I can do that. It needs to snow NOW. I want snow. I want to play in it and white wash people named Bud.

Now it is time to help someone cheat at Mario Party 4. Rock out with your cock out.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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