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2003-01-18 - 2:14 a.m.

I smell like strippers, and it's a good thing. What the fuck is wrong with the world? I was getting hit on by the god damn hottest stripper, ME. That kind of shit doesn't happen to me. She was wearing a studded collar and had a lip piercing. She was really happy when "her song" came on, and by "her song" I mean fucking Ministry-Just One Fix. When they had the final dance where all the strippers come on stage, instead of going she sat down and talked to me. Asked if I was going to school, etc. etc. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. She said I should come back tomorrow. You know what? Fuck yeah I'm going tomorrow. That kind of shit doesn't come along every day. I didn't spend much cash tonight and I can get a private dance tomorrow. I know that's what they really are looking for. I don't care. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I have no idea what happened. It all started when I knew what band played a certain song. It was NIN. A girl wanted to get to know me because of NIN. You know what song it was? The Wretched. How fucking wrong is that shit? I told you assholes that Trent ruled. Oh man. This be a good week, yarrr. I am pimp tight this week. K. I am drunk and I need to eat my sammich and have what will probably be the most restfull sleep that I have had in a while. Manda, thank you sooo much for inviting me out tonight. We had a good talk. I wish you could've stayed a little longer. You rule, and I love ya. I had a good day, I woke up early, I took a physical test that was actually a bit difficult, I unloaded two trucks, I am slightly inebriated, and I smell like a beautiful girl who actually wanted to know a little about me. I didn't even have to use my AK, I have to say it was a good day.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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