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2003-04-24 - 10:53 a.m.

Son of a fuck beansian bitch. I typed a bunch of crap and it all got deleted. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh well, it probably would've been interpreted wrong anyway so it's better that diaryland pissed me off. The Monster is very quiet right now. Jon is asleep, Doeden is actually not here snoring on the couch, and I think Dan left earlier than usual. Well I know where Doeden is I think. He's at the clinic getting the herpes checked out. You think I'm kidding but I'm not. Doeden has arm herpes. Dirty little circus carnie. It was once again good ol' football night here last night. I'm suprised Doed was able to wake up early. Playing a football video game all night must be really exhausting. I heard Jon screaming about something, then he quit and didn't want to play anymore. It appears he was being monkey stomped by Tony T. I think it was 38-0 when I came out of my room to go to the bathroom, and that was the score at the half. I don't really care. We were supposed to go to the skate park last night, but no one ever called me. It would've been way more fun than the incessant yelling. Well I'm out, I guess.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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